The Clear Man
Clear 7 with Deri
E4: The Gold in our Shadows

E4: The Gold in our Shadows

How some men hide their gifts from the world

Welcome to Clear 7! In this episode I talk about Shadow, and in particular an aspect that isn’t talked about as much - the Golden Shadow. Our shadows are the parts of us that we hide, repress and deny. Often these are dark, deep beliefs we have about ourselves, but there are also often positive aspects of ourselves that we hide away too.

Young boys (and girls) can be told, explicitly or implicitly, that parts of themselves are not welcome. Maybe they are seen as “too loud”, “too gentle”, “too sensitive” and told to be quiet, to toughen up, to stop crying.

To be accepted, even to feel loved, we can put those parts into shadow. Hide them from the world, as we’ve learnt it’s not safe to express them.

One valuable part of getting clear is to find those golden shadows you’re hiding and learn how to share them.

And one of the biggest gifts you can give a man is to tell him what golden shadows you see in him. Men need that, more than ever.

Credit: photobank kiev

The Clear Man
Clear 7 with Deri
One man's journey to be a better man. My commitment with this podcast is to keep it simple, keep it short, keep it valuable. I'm not some self-help guru - just an ordinary Dad / husband / guy trying to figure life out.
Clear 7: 1 key idea, covered in under 7 minutes.
Practical tools, frameworks and concepts that have helped me and might help you.
My personal mission: I am here, now, welcoming all of me and all of you. I hold space for us to be present, productive and playful in this abundant world.
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